What do students need to bring to ~School?

  • Seasonally appropriate outdoor clothing suitable for light work, including: muck type boots, jacket, hat and work gloves

  • Indoor-only foot gear

  • A basic laptop, or a tablet with a keyboard, and WiFi capabilities

  • Notebooks and a pencil

  • Water bottle


What do you do about food at ~School?

We provide beautiful seasonal, local, organic, whole foods as they are available and the techniques to prepare them.  If you choose to send a lunch with your child, because of special dietary needs, or for any reason, we encourage whole foods and minimal packaging. (We cannot guarantee an allergen free kitchen. Please note any allergies on the application.)


Are there any additional fees I should be aware of?

  • A $1/minute retroactive fee for late pick up will be assessed starting at 6:10 pm.

  • Costs of materials for special projects, and recommended outside activities, will be outlined in our educational goals for the year and will be the responsibility of the parent. 


How many students are there at ~school?

Daily cohorts for 2018 will be limited to a maximum of 8 students.


Do students have to come on the same day(s) each week?

Yes. Once we agree on your child's schedule, you are expected to meet that commitment. If there is an unforeseen major or ongoing conflict, days may be changed at the discretion of Tilde School.


Do you take holidays during the year?

We have a total of eight weeks off for the year - we are closed for two weeks in December and two weeks in July. For 2018, the schedule is:

  • July 9 - 22 with classes resuming on July 23rd.
  • December 24- January 6, 2018 with classes resuming on January 7th.

The remaining four weeks will be determined by the parents in the educational agreement. 


What about sick days or makeup days?

Our student's health always comes first, and all possible accommodations will be made to work around illnesses, but we cannot provide makeup days. Planned days off can be rescheduled to substitute as sick days, if desired.


Do you offer any discounts?

We offer discounts for paying tuition in full as well as progressive discounts on 2 and 3 day enrolment. 


Does Tilde School stand in for a school?

No! Tilde School is not a 'school'. It does not have accreditation and does not, in and of itself, satisfy all requirements in Washington State. We work with parents who have chosen to homeschool and take responsibility for complying with 28A.200 RCW. If you are new to homeschooling, there are resources here that go in depth about how to get started with homeschooling. At Tilde School, we will ensure that the goals and projects we design together make compliance with state guidelines as easy as possible.